Datset includes data on the study participants: 618 RT-qPCR-confirmed dengue cases and 1,236 matched controls .
Data dictionary:
Variable Description Categories
Id Participant identification
Identificacao Participant identification
Caso2 Number that links the case to the 2 matched controls The same number allows the linkage of the case with the two matched controls
Sexo2 Sex Masculino (male) Feminino (female)
casocontrolenovo Participant classification Caso (case) Controle (control)
municipio Municipality where the participant lives Foz do Iguaçu Londrina Maringá Paranaguá Sarandi
Dengue2 Dengue serotype for cases
Their respective controls were assigned to the same serotype DENV1 = 1 DENV2 = 2 DENV4 = 4
Grupo2 Age groups 9-14anos (9 to 14 years of age) 15-18anos (15 to 18 years of age) 19-27anos (19 to 27 years of age) 28-44anos (28 to 44 years of age)
salarme Dengue with warning signs Nao (no) Sim (yes)
Hosp2 Hospitalized due to this dengue episode Nao (no) Sim (yes)
Dtdose1 Date of vaccination/dose 1 day/month/year
Dtdose2 Date of vaccination/dose 2 day/month/year
Dtdose3 Date of vaccination/dose 3 day/month/year
Doses Number of vaccine doses received by the participant 0 to 3
Esquema Vaccine schedule Complete (complete schedule – 3 doses) Incompleta (incomplete schedule – 1 or 2 doses) Ausente (absent)
Vacinado Vaccinated (with a complete schedule) Nao (no) Sim (yes)
dengueanteced Previously reported as a dengue case (before 2019) 0 = no 1 = yes
episodios Number of previously reported dengue episodes Number of episodes
Ano1 Year of first reported dengue episode Year
Criterio1 Confirmation criterion of first dengue episode LAB = laboratory test CE = clinical epidemiological link
Sorotipo1 Serotype of first reported dengue episode 1 to 4
Classif1 Classification of the dengue episode Dengue Dengue with warning signs Severe dengue
Ano2 Year of second reported dengue episode Year
Criterio2 Confirmation criterion of second dengue episode LAB = laboratory test CE = clinical epidemiological link
Sorotipo2 Serotype of second reported dengue episode 1 to 4
Classif2 Classification of the dengue episode Dengue Dengue with warning signs Severe dengue
Vacina1 Received first dose Exposto (exposed to the vaccine dose) Nao exposto (non-exposed to the vaccine dose)
Vacina2 Received second dose Exposto (exposed to the vaccine dose) Nao exposto (non-exposed to the vaccine dose)
Vacina3 Received third dose Exposto (exposed to the vaccine dose) Nao exposto (non-exposed to the vaccine dose)
Vacina1solo Received just 1 dose Exposto (exposed to the vaccine dose) Nao exposto (non-exposed to the vaccine dose)
Vacina2solo Received two doses Exposto (exposed to the vaccine dose) Nao exposto (non-exposed to the vaccine dose)
Vacina23 Received 3 doses Exposto (exposed to the vaccine dose) Nao exposto (non-exposed to the vaccine dose)